HS Code

HS Code

HS Code or Harmonized System code is an international standard system for classifying goods in international trade. The Harmonized System code consists of eight digits assigned to each product, which provides a product description and rate.

The Harmonized System code system is managed by the World Customs and Excise Organization (WCO) and is used by more than 200 countries throughout the world. Harmonized System codes are based on a hierarchical structure, with each code level providing more specific information about the product being classified.

For example, the HS code for fresh bananas is 0803.10.10 with the first two digits (08) indicating chapter (edible fruit and nuts), the next four digits (0803) indicating heading (banana), the next six digits (080310) indicates subheading for bananas that are not suitable for direct consumption as fruit, and the next eight digits (08031010) indicate bananas that are not suitable for direct consumption as fruit in fresh condition.

Harmonized System codes are important to international trade because they help determine tariffs, taxes, and other fees that may be applied to products when imported or exported. The Harmonized System code also provides valuable trade statistics for governments and businesses.

How to Get HS Code

Here’s how to find out the HS Code of an item:


  1. The first step, go to the INSW (Indonesia National Single WIndow) portal at http://eservice.insw.go.id/.
  2. Second step, click the INDONESIA NTR menu in the Toolbar then select HS CODE INFORMATION.
  3. Next, click in the parameters section, select BTBMI – Description in Indonesian.
  4. Enter the word in Key words in Indonesian, for example apple.
  5. Various types of HS codes will appear with apple content.
  6. Look for the required HS Code. Look for the eight digits.
  7. Scroll down to find out the amount of Import Duty, VAT, PPH, and Prohibitions or Restrictions (Lartas).


  1. First of all, go to the intrade.kemendag.go.id portal
  2. Select the Services menu, click HS Register.
  3. In the HS search column, enter the HS Code if you already know the HS number of the item you are looking for.
  4. If not, select the Item Description menu (Indonesia).
  5. In the next column, type the keyword you are looking for, for example apple.
  6. Click the View menu and there will be lots of information about HS numbers containing apple content, decide which one you are looking for. The HS number is on the left.

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