Tax Consulting Services

Tax Advisory

Keep you updated with consultation sessions on tax regulations, trade, industry, health and other related regulations, in discussion meetings, phones, email and any other means of communications.
Our Advisory services are built to understand your situation so that we could provide oursolution to meet your specific needs.
Our professionals have more than 20 years in the business who have handled various clients with many different business process backgrounds, allowing us to deliver insightful, creative and innovative solutions

Tax Review

Tax Review service is aimed to ensure that clients have continuously maintained the compliance with tax regulation. We will review and diagnose clients’ financial records and related documents to identify such improper tax treatments that might have any tax penalties and potential tax exposure. This service will come up with our suggestions and recommendations

Restructuring and Reorganization

We provide restructuring and reorganization sevices in form of tax-planning and design that meet clients’ business needs. We help clients in optimizing tax benefit restructurings and reorganization business that help our clients in achieving their goals in a way that will legally minimize their tax liability and get tax benefits in line with tax laws

Business Process

We provide bookkeeping/accounting services, payroll service, tax reconsiliation and also tax administration such as registration and deregistration of Tax Identification Number (NPWP) and VATable ID registration (NPPKP) and other tax administration matters.

Tax Compliance

We help clients in preparing and filling annual individual income tax return, annual corporate tax return, monthly and annual employee income tax returns, monthly withholding tax returns, monthly VAT returns accurately.

Tax Audit

Assist and represent you in dealing with audits conducted by tax authorities. We help you understand the target and objectives of the audit process and to counter the audit findings.

Dispute & Resolution

Assist and represent clients in tax dispute and resolution matters and any issue in Indonesia’s tax environment such as dealing with audits conducted by tax authorities relate to tax audit/tax claim and subsequent objections process, tax appeals process in tax court and also review and preparing letters to supreme court in relation with tax reconsideration.

Transfer Pricing

We help clients on international taxation issues such as transfer pricing dispute on dealing with tax outhority and also preparing Transfer Pricing Report that is required by tax regulations.

Internal Training

Taxes regulations are always changing according to the economic situation and national interests, we help you in improving employee skills and their knowledge in taxes regulations